Monday, October 8, 2007

Christ in the burning bush.

c. Elemental Faces/Cosmic Christ. Oil on Canvas. Part of the series on the Symbols of St. John. 1975. In the collection of the Missions Prokura sj. Nuerenberg)

Christ is not only the Jesus of history, but is also pictured, especially in Indian reflection on Christology, as a Cosmic Person. In the following images Jesus is thought of imaginatively, as present in elemental aspects of creation, metaphorically. In fact, Jesus expressing his own identity through parables, often spoke of himself as fire, light, seed, way and so forth.
In this way we see that our commitment to Christ also entails a deep sense of the holiness of creation, and a realization that devotion to the Lord also entails a respect for the resources of the world in which we live.

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